Monday 23 February 2009

Massage Tables

If you have managed to get a steady stream of clients through the massage door then you'll already be aware of the importance of a good massage table. The table literally can make or break your massage career, as it makes a huge difference to the quality of sports or pleasure massage. If you have a table that won't support a persons weight properly for example, or can't be set at the right height for your back, then you'll definitely have trouble with your massage and the customer experience will no doubt duffer.

So now we've established that the massage table is the most important piece of massage therapy equipment we now need to learn more about them, read on for more information....

Types Of Massage Beds

Like any kind of product, massage beds come in many different shapes, sizes and value for money! The cheapest are little more than a wooden table covered with a cushion and a head rest, while the best have electronic systems for raising and lowering the bed as well as the angle of the back.

Of course which one you choose depends on what kind of massage you do (for example a sports massage therapist will need a more flexible bed) and where you do it. If you visit clients houses, you'll definitely need a portable massage bed, while if they come to you it may be worth splashing out on a higher quality bed to provide your customers with the best possible experience.

For example Evergreen tables make a student bed which has the very basics - leg extensions, foam covering and safety lock - but if you are just starting out this may be a good choice for just £99. However if you are already a professional you''ll want more advanced features than that with the ability to raise and lower the bed no the fly.

Some companies that manufacture massage beds and chairs include Asta, Earthlite, and Banner Therapy.

The prices of the beds can be quite steep. A beginner one will cost around £100 while professional ones can cost a lot more than that. The best way to decide if it is the right one for your business is to read reviews and get recommendations off over massage therapists who can give you an unbiased opinion.

1 comment:

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    Massage tables
